
>>Gardens by the Bay en Singapur


Como parte de una de las fases del masterplan de Singapur, integrado en la Bahía Marina en una superficie de 101 hectáreas de playa, Gardens by the Bay es el conjunto de jardines diseñados con estructuras de entre 30 y 55 metros de altura similares a superárboles dedicados a configurar jardines verticales y crear un escaparate vertical de plantas trepadoras con flores, musgos y helechos.

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Gardens by the Bay

Bay South, designed by landscape architecture firm Grant Associates, will be the largest garden at 54 hectares and will be located next to the Marina Bay integrated resort. The Conservatory Complex will comprise a -Cool Moist- biome and a -Cool Dry- biome, displaying plants and flowers from the Tropical Montane [Cloud Forest] and Mediterranean environments respectively. Designed as tree-like structures between 30 metres and 55 metres in height, the -Supertrees- are uniquely designed vertical gardens, creating a vertical display of tropical flowering climbers, epiphytes and ferns. At night, these canopies will come alive with lighting and projected media.

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