
>>La cocina de sueños

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Con su última novedad, el sistema bulthaup b2, la empresa marca una nueva referencia en el mundo de la cocina y confirma una vez más su fuerza innovadora. El diseño de bulthaup b2 se creó en colaboración con el reputado estudio EOOS de Viena. El nuevo sistema redefine el concepto original de "taller de cocina”, compuesto por un banco de trabajo, módulos taller y módulos electrodoméstico: el banco de trabajocon agua, cocción y preparación; los módulos de trabajo para guardar la vajilla, los utensilios de cocina y la materia prima; y los módulos electrodoméstico para alojar el horno, el lavavajillas y el frigorífico. bulthaup b2 define el espacio vital de la cocina como un sistema cambiante y de este modo ”representa el prototipo de la cocina presente y futura”.

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By constantly observing the living and eating habits of people from all over the world, bulthaup develops new kitchen concepts to address the needs of modern lifestyles globally. bulthaup b2 is responsive to modern lifestyles, such as single-person or two-person households, or even "extended families", and is the perfect kitchen for the nomad lifestyle, or those who are pioneers in creating new alternative living spaces. The design was developed in collaboration with the renowned design firm EOOS in Vienna. With their method of "poetical analysis”, the designers take a very special approach to the development of new products. Formative factors of image, ritual and received wisdom are brought together and synthesized. "The result of this cooperation is unconventional, convincing and independent: bulthaup b2 defines the entire kitchen as a changeable system, and is thereby synonymous with the versatile kitchen of today and tomorrow,”