El equipo de medioambientalistas e innovación Gore Design ha creado un lavabo a base de concreto reciclado en Signature Erosion Sink. Todos los pigmentos utilizados en la creación son completamente libres de metales pesados y todos los selladores son a base de agua. Los materiales reciclados y subproductos industriales, como cenizas volantes, se usan de manera sostenible. Además, se han eliminado estándar de la industria de pulido del agua en favor de pulido en seco para guardar más de 600 galones de agua por medio de los proyectos.
The environmentally dedicated and innovative team at Gore Design brings a new twist to custom, recycled concrete sink design with their Signature Erosion Sink. Gore Design creative team is also proud of their commitment to sustainability. All of the pigments used in the creation of their custom, recycled concrete sinks are completely free of heavy metals and all sealers are water-based. Recycled materials and industrial byproducts, such as fly ash, are put to good use as well. In addition, they have eliminated industry standard water polishing in favor of dry polishing to save over 600 gallons of water per average project.